Links and Documents:

Current Facilitator Opportunities:

Review Trainings and Resources:

Click to review the materials for each training

Coming Soon: Level 2 Trainings

2Hr Virtual Training
2Hr  In-Person Training
with 3 Hr modifications
2Hr In-Person Training
with 90min modifications

Cultural Competence for Today's Leader

2 Hour Virtual Training
Resources For Facilitation

Updated: 6/7/24
Sign up to facilitate a virtual training below!


To facilitate an in-person training, you should be able to:
  • Pick up and drop off reuseable materials from the CCWA office
  • Be comfortable facilitating the in-person event

To facilitate a virtual training, you should be able to
  • Start a zoom session (Jessica will send you a host link)
  • Allow participants in from the waiting room
  • Share your screen and present the training
  • Monitor chat throughout the training to encourage active engagement and address questions
  • Open specific polls throughout the session and share the results with participants
  • Paste the link for the followup resources into the chat (also in the slides with a QR code at the end)
  • OPTIONAL: It is up to you if you chose to incorporate breakout rooms for discussion. This is not required. 

 Slide Deck for Business Training

Base Slide Deck for the Training: Detailed notes are included in this presentation. 

Facilitator Notes:
  1. Download the Slide Deck
  2. Make any changes for scenarios and examples you need, as well as a facilitator introduction slide if desired
  3. Make sure you are familiar with the online agenda. 
  4. Get comfortable with using zoom polls, chat, and other hosting features.

 Example 2 Hour Facilitators Agenda with Slide Timing

This is an example of the timing and flow of the training. It will help you think about how you structure the training for the client, and how to approach different sections of the training. 

 Resources to Prepare for Facilitators

Resources Needed for the Workshop:
  • Working computer and reliable internet and power source

  • Ability to present slide deck and share screen, while also managing the participant room, chat feed, and polls
  • Clear background with professional appearance
  • Host zoom link - from Jessica - to be able to start the zoom session

Optional Resources for Prepping Scenarios:

Everday scenarios worksheet

everyday scenarios answer key

Hofstede Profile Slide Builder 

Simple Manager Scenarios

 Post Training Resources to Send - NONE

A survey link will automatically pop up for participants from Zoom. Please let participants know this when you wrap up the session, and encourage them to take a moment to complete it before they go on with their day.

Cultural Competence for Today's Leader

Training for Businesses: Resources For Facilitation

2 Hour In-Person Training

Updated: April 16, 2024

 Slide Deck for Business Training

Base Slide Deck for the Training: Detailed notes are included in this presentation. Please walkthrough the slide deck and read through the notes, alongside the example agenda below. 

 Example 2 Hour Facilitators Agenda with Slide Timing

This is an example of the timing and flow of the training. It will help you think about how you structure the training for the client, and how to approach different sections of the training. 

 3 Hour Agenda - (Coming Soon!)

An agenda to help you think about how to adjust timing for a three hour version of the training, allowing more time for discussion, and additional activities. 

 Resources to Prepare for Facilitators

Resources Needed for the Workshop:
  • Pre-Session Survey - Optional survey to send to participants 1-2 weeks before the training. This helps you with preparing relevant scenarios and information. 
  • Self-awareness Titles - printed and placed around the room for the awareness activity
  • Posters for Hofstede Gallery Walk - to print as posters to hang around the space, or as handouts for small group discussion
  • Everyday Scenarios Worksheet and Answer Key - Non work related examples that could be used to explore the Hofstede Dimensions. Answer key could be provided at the end to participants to have discussion, or facilitator can guide this discussion. 
  • Hofstede Profiles Slide Builder - example country profiles you can use, or create your own from references
  • Simple Manager Scenarios - Examples Scenarios to use throughout the training focusing on managing teams
  • Post Training Survey - You can have your participants use this link, or use this form as a guide. Participant responses can be requested after trainings and raw data will be shared if you use the link. 
  • Post Training Resources to Send - See below

Pre-Session Survey

Self-Awareness Titles

Poster for Hofstede
Gallery walk

Country Comparison and
Points of Tension Handout

Everday scenarios worksheet

everyday scenarios answer key

Hofstede Profile Slide Builder 

Simple Manager Scenarios

Post-Training survey

 Post Training Resources to Send

Resources to send your participants after the training is complete in a followup:
  1. Resource list - to continue learning
  2. Reflection questions by domain - continue self reflection and growth in cultural competence
  3. Simplified Slide Deck for Reference
  4. Post Session survey - see link above, always good to resend to participants!

Resource LisT:
Readings and Sites

Reflection Questions
By Domain

Simplified Slide Deck for
Participants Reference

Cultural Fluency in the Classoom

Training for Educators: Resources For Facilitation

90 min In-Person Training (with 2Hr notes)

Updated: April 16, 2024

 Slide Deck for Educator Training (Slides for 90min training with notes for 2 hrs)

Base Slide Deck for the Training

 Example Facilitators Agenda (90 min)

This is an example of the timing and flow of the training. It will help you think about how you structure the training for the client, and how to approach different sections of the training. 

 90 Minute Agenda - For clients who need a shortened training

A simplified agenda to help you think about how to adjust timing for a 90 minute version of the training

 Resources to Prepare for Facilitators

Resources Needed for the Workshop:
  • Self-awareness Titles - printed and placed around the room for the awareness activity
  • Example of poster for Hofstede Gallery Walk - example of posters you could create to get participants up and moving when learning about the Hofstede Dimensions
  • Reflection Questions for Each Domain - used to make the above posters
  • Building Cultural Competence Case Scenarios - Non work related examples that could be used to explore the Hofstede Dimensions. Answer key could be provided at the end to participants to have discussion, or facilitator can guide this discussion. 
  • Hofstede Profiles by Country - example country profiles you can use
  • Post Training Survey - You can have your participants use this link, or use this form as a guide. Participant responses can be requested after trainings and raw data will be shared if you use the link. 

Self-Awareness Titles

Example of Poster
for Gallery walk

Reflection questions
for each domain

Building Cultural
Competence Case Scenarios

Building Cultural Competence 
Case Scenarios ANSwer key

Hofstede profiles
by country

Post-Training survey

 Post Training Resources to Send

Resources to send your participants after the training is complete in a followup:
  1. Reflection questions by domain - continue self reflection and growth in cultural competence
  2. Simplified Slide Deck for Reference
  3. Post Session survey - see link above, always good to resend to participants!

Reflection Questions
By Domain

Simplified Slide Deck for
Participants Reference

Level 2 Training

Advancing Cultural Competence for Effective Leadership

Level 2 Training for Businesses: Resources For Facilitation

2 Hour In-Person Training

Coming Soon!

Slide Deck for Business Training

Base Slide Deck for the Training: Detailed notes are included in this presentation. Please walkthrough the slide deck and read through the notes, alongside the example agenda below. 

Example 2 Hour Facilitators Agenda with Slide Timing

This is an example of the timing and flow of the training. It will help you think about how you structure the training for the client, and how to approach different sections of the training. 

3 Hour Agenda - (Coming Soon!)

An agenda to help you think about how to adjust timing for a three hour version of the training, allowing more time for discussion, and additional activities. 

Resources to Prepare for Facilitators

Resources Needed for the Workshop:
  • Pre-Session Survey - Optional survey to send to participants 1-2 weeks before the training. This helps you with preparing relevant scenarios and information. 
  • Self-awareness Titles - printed and placed around the room for the awareness activity
  • Posters for Hofstede Gallery Walk - to print as posters to hang around the space, or as handouts for small group discussion
  • Everyday Scenarios Worksheet and Answer Key - Non work related examples that could be used to explore the Hofstede Dimensions. Answer key could be provided at the end to participants to have discussion, or facilitator can guide this discussion. 
  • Hofstede Profiles Slide Builder - example country profiles you can use, or create your own from references
  • Simple Manager Scenarios - Examples Scenarios to use throughout the training focusing on managing teams
  • Post Training Survey - You can have your participants use this link, or use this form as a guide. Participant responses can be requested after trainings and raw data will be shared if you use the link. 
  • Post Training Resources to Send - See below

Pre-Session Survey

Self-Awareness Titles

Poster for Hofstede
Gallery walk

Country Comparison and
Points of Tension Handout

Everday scenarios worksheet

everyday scenarios answer key

Hofstede Profile Slide Builder 

Simple Manager Scenarios

Post-Training survey

Post Training Resources to Send

Resources to send your participants after the training is complete in a followup:
  1. Resource list - to continue learning
  2. Reflection questions by domain - continue self reflection and growth in cultural competence
  3. Simplified Slide Deck for Reference
  4. Post Session survey - see link above, always good to resend to participants!

Resource LisT:
Readings and Sites

Reflection Questions
By Domain

Simplified Slide Deck for
Participants Reference