The Benefits
About the Global Scholars Diploma Online
Annual Student Experience (2 Years)
Live, Virtual Events with Professionals
Recognition with Certificate/Diploma
Self-Paced, Online Modules
Scholarship Opportunity
Quarterly Workshops
Alumni Network
Peer to Peer Engagement
Take Action Project and Advisor
Year-End Graduation Celebration
Annual Student Experience
(3 Years)
4 Live, Virtual Events with Professional
Recognition: with Certificate/Diploma
4 Self-Paced, Online Modules
Scholarship Opportunity
Quarterly Workshops
Alumni Network
Peer to Peer Engagement
Take Action Project and Advisor (Year 3)
Year-End Graduation Celebration
Goals & Learning Outcomes
Global Competence
Developing the knowledge, skills, and mindset to thrive in a global society
Transversal Skills
Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Etc (per UNESCO)
Global Cultures, Global Careers, Global Issues, Taking Local Action
Resources for Parents/Guardians
Designated contact person
Resource toolkit to support student orientation, transcript/credit, graduation, etc
Ongoing student progress reports
Year-End Student Success Portfolio
Resources for Parents/Guardians
Designated contact person
Resource toolkit to support student orientation, transcript/credit, graduation, etc
Ongoing student progress reports
Year-End Student Success Portfolio
Continue learning outside of events!
Find out where on our Optional Events page!
Opportunities Await!
Special Interview with
Ishani Singh